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Dr. Christopher McMaster
Office: Tupper 6B

What is your favourite enzyme, and why?

Cholinephosphotransferase, it was the first enzyme that I did structure and function analysis on and was my first publication as a new faculty. I've worked on this enzyme for twenty years. It is probably the only thing I can same I am the world expert on.


What is your favourite book?

Catch 22. I find it funny in a dark way. The protagonist is stuck between a rock and a hard place. It entertaining, tragic, deep...


What is the most recent book you’ve read?

Dancer’s Lament.


What is your favourite amino acid, and why?

Glycine, because its tiny.


What are some of your hobbies?

Watching too much sports, ice skating (I used to play hockey), golfing, reading, listening to live music when possible.


What is your dream vacation?

Rented a farm house in the middle of nowhere France. The train couldn’t even get to it. Went on random and unplanned castle/café tours while there.


What is the coolest project you’ve ever worked on?

The drug discovery projects currently underway, treating infectious and inherited diseases.


What’s the biggest mistake you’ve made in lab?

Lighting the lab bench on fire during my honours project in my undergrad. Microbiology, flame + alcohol.


Do you have any advice or anything else you want to say?

Advice when choosing project: Choose the project that is most important, not the one you like the most. If it's important you'll soon like it. Ensure that you are always staying current, using state of the art equipment and protocols.

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