Meet our faculty!
Here at Dalhousie, we have an incredible faculty with a wide range of interest and expertise! But that's all on the Dalhousie website...
The DBSS would like to present to you the professors outside of their research! Take a look to get to know our incredible faculty on a more personal level!
Dr. John Archibald
Dr. Archibald studies genome evolution, endosymbiosis, and molecular phylogeny as part of the Centre for Comparative Genomics and Evolutionary Bioinformatics.
Dr. Stephen L. Bearne
Our department head, Dr. Bearne, works on enzymes and enzyme kinetics.
Dr. Christian Blouin
Dr. Blouin studies protein evolution and folding, often using computer models.
Paul Briggs
Paul organizes all the undergrad labs- if you don't know him yet, you will get to know him over the next few semesters as he teaches you everything you need to know about lab!
Dr. David Byers
Dr. Byers has been here at Dalhousie for many years and studies lipid metabolism, membrane function, and signal transduction.
Dr. Alejandro Cohen
Dr. Cohen's research interests include development and application of mass spectrometry techniques in proteomics and metabolomics.
Dr. Melanie Dobson
Dr. Dobson studies yeast and mammalian molecular genetics, and you may go to see her if you want to register in the practicum course in third year!
Dr. Ford Doolittle
Dr. Doolittle has had a long and prolific career here at Dalhousie, contributing many important advances in his field. He also has a tree dedicated to him and Dr. Michael Gray, a colleague in the department, in the Tupper quad!
Dr. Vanya Ewart
Dr. Ewart is passionate about her work with antifreeze proteins for cold adaptation, and looks at proteostasis and amyloid formation.
Dr. Barbara Karten
Dr. Karten looks at cholesterol metabolism in the brain, cholesterol trafficking, and mitochondrial cholesterol.
Dr. Petra Kienesberger
Dr. Kienesberger works in Saint John at DMNB. She studies bioactive lipid signaling and cellular and organismal energy metabolism.
Dr. Jamie Kramer
Dr. Kramer studies epigenetics and chromatin in brain function.
Dr. David Langelaan
Dr. Langelaan is interested in structural biology, protein assembly, and protein engineering.
Dr. Paul Liu
Dr. Liu studies inteins, as well as working with Dr. Rainey's lab in studying spider silks.
Heidi MacKinnon
Heidi works with Paul to organize the undergraduate labs. You will get to know her very well, too!
Dr. Paola Marignani
Dr. Marignani studies tumour suppressors in disease and cell metabolism and cytoskeletal reorganization.
Dr. Roger McLeod
Dr. McLeod studies the structure and function of apolipoprotein B, adiponectin, and fatty acids.
Dr. Christopher McMaster
Dr. McMaster studies genetics and chemical genetics to identify drug targets and drugs for unmet medical needs. He is cross-listed in the department of Pharmacology.
Dr. Thomas Pulinilkunnil
Dr. Pulinilkunnil's lab is in Saint John. He studies nutrient regulation of lysosome metabolism, signaling and autophagy in health and disease, amino acid biology, and energy metabolism.
Dr. Jan Rainey
Dr. Rainey studies structural biology and biophysical characterization of proteins. He is cross-listed in the department of Chemistry, and is also the graduate coordinator for the department.
Dr. Neale Ridgway
Dr. Ridgway studies cell biology of cholesterol and lipids, also working in the department of Pediatrics.
Dr. Richard Singer
Dr. Singer studies yeast chromatin and membrane dynamics. He is also the coordinator for the undergraduate Honours program.
Dr. Catherine Too
Dr. Too studies polypeptide and steroid hormone action, particularly with regards to tumour growth and apoptosis.
Dr. Aarnoud van der Spoel
Dr. van der Spoel, who is cross-apointed in Pediatrics, studies biochemistry and cell biology of inherited neurodegenerative diseases and intracellular traffic of proteins and glycosphingolipids.
Dr. Jamie Davey
Dr. Davey studies computational protein design, gene transcription, and genetic circuitry.
Dr. Shawn Xiong
Dr. X studies Undergraduate biochemistry and molecular biology education, Course-based undergraduate research experiences (CURE), and Learning assistant (LA) in STEM education.